Hidden Side

We take you further

You probably think you know more about the 309 than anyone else. But are you a 100% sure?
As some of us, the Peugeot 309 has got its hidden side and it’s time to reveal what the 309 really is.

Here you will find some more information on the Peugeot 309.
You are going to see where everything began, where the prototypes went for the Peugeot ingeneers to test the car. You are going to discover all the models that were made including Peugeot 309 sold on other territories and on other continents.

If you have information you think could help us, please don’t hesitate to email us.

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About Peugeot309.net

This website was created by two people who just wanted to give you tons of information about the Peugeot 309. And for free, of course. We've worked very hard to make this possible and we hope you'll enjoy this place as much as we enjoyed creating it.

All you want to know about the Peugeot 309 is here.
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